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    AuAquino's GameLog for Halo: Combat Evolved (XBX)

    Monday 14 January, 2008

    Second Game log

    In the second round of my gameplay, I felt as if my skills and awareness has increased in the game. Since I already played the game, my mind is more adapted to the game and knows what to expect. Therefore, I was much more prepared than the first time. Being much more prepared allowed me to be more alert and have higher chances of wining the game. I noticed more things playing the second time than the first time. For example, I learned that I can kill a person faster if I aim a little higher near the head and if I predict where the person will move next. Playing halo is really a learning experience and is a really fun way to compete with your friends.
    Since my ability and skills increased my self-confidence increased as well. I feel that if you can achieve one thing in life you can achieve another. When you self-confidence increases your ability to achieve other obstacles increases as well. That is what I like about halo. It is a game, which is takes skills, courage, patience, practice, and persistence to become better. Just like any other endeavor in life. Halo is a great way to increase your well being, as long as there is balance.
    Now it is time for me to write more in detail about the different aspects of the game. I will first write about what makes halo a good game. The reason why halo is such a good game is the idea of killing. In a society where violence surrounds us, the game is a way where we can actually get away with murder. I feel that this game is more geared to the male crowd, because males love action especially violence. Another reason why this game is so good is that is seems very realistic which really appeals to people.
    Another aspect about the game I will discuss is the challenges. Halo is not an easy game to play. I feel that a person must have great hand and eye coordination to effectively play the game. One major challenge of the game I found difficult is the numerous buttons a person must memorize. The way you move is with two joysticks and that already is very confusing for an average person, yet alone they have to memorize the grenade button, the change weapons button, etc. Another challenge in the game is alertness. A person must be alert to his surroundings because if he is faced with as opponent he may die. In the game you have to be prepared or chances are you will lose. In general, practice will make perfect and all those challenges will become minimal.


    Please watch the way the gamelog is formatted in future gamelog assignments, and be sure to follow the templates shown on the course webpage.

    ~Sheena Marquez (TA)

    Saturday 19 January, 2008 by SheenaMarquez
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