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    haruki's GameLog for Trauma Center: Under the Knife (DS)

    Tuesday 15 January, 2008


    In Trauma Center: Under the Knife, you play as Dr. Derek Stiles, a young upcoming surgeon who has just completed his residency training at Hope Hospital. Enter the operation room, with the new young and beautiful nurse, Angie Thompson, to face precision-based operations where your DS pen will determine the fate of life and death to your patients.


    Having only sampled a little bit of the Wii version of Trauma Center (Trauma Center: New Blood), I was a bit surprised as to how the game was still able to keep up its enthralling entertainment and dramatic, yet upbeat story-line. The game runs on still pictures to portray their story-line, but it is made up with detailed artwork and character designs. I also couldn't help but notice the upbeat and hip background music that slightly reminded me of music that's commonly heard in a small casual coffee shop.

    Trauma Center starts off with Derek Stiles newly emerging into a full-time doctor. The first two or three stages were basically tutorials set within the game to teach you the tools within the operation room. You are guided by Mary Fulton, an old-time nurse who has basically acted as a guiding mother-figure to the hospital. She basically teaches you the jist of the sequence of what to do with the appropriate tools. It's NOT good to cut through the patient with the knife BEFORE disinfecting the patient. I have learned the hard way. So PAY ATTENTION! I did feel abandoned, sympathizing with Stile's reaction when she transferred to another hospital. What has happened to my guiding angel?

    Although the first two tutorial stages were, dare I say, easy, it was still frustrating that for an hour of game play, I never achieved anything higher than "Rank C" through the past eight stages so far.


    Nicely done, but you have some aspects of design and gameplay mixed. (ie. bg music, and Design paragraph 3) But you are on track! --Chuck (grader)

    Thursday 17 January, 2008 by Joekickass
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