Tuesday 15 January, 2008
--Second Session--
For my second session, I played on BattleNet where people from all over the world play together. It is a really easy to meet other players on Battle.Net. When people play as a team, they must talk to each other and cooperate in order to fight their opponent efficiently. Because teamwork is so important, people practice and talk about the game a lot in the general chatting box.
After playing an hour more, I realized that this game is very fast paced when playing against other people. Most of people know how to play the game but they win by making their buildings and units fast and controlling their units well. I had to concentrate on the game in order to beat the other person. Once I stopped paying attention to the game for a few minutes, my opponent easily built more buildings and units. It was also hard to control a lot of units at the same time. So when I wasn’t paying attention it was easy to lose my units. It was still very fun. Every time I played, I could build in different ways. In fact, I had to, because my opponent also played differently every game.
I think there are some good parts and bad parts. I think this game is the most simple and basic real-time strategy computer game. But it’s very interesting and easy to learn. It’s been 10 years but there are still thousands of players who are playing on Battle.Net, so you can easily enjoy playing against other players. And it also forces players to interact each other, because it is very important to cooperate with other teammates. It also gives full control to players so that they can play in different ways every game. The best part of this game is that the outcome of every game is different, because players have full control of the game and make decisions.
There are several bad parts in the game. There are several bugs in the game, which people sometimes use to cheat against other players. Although playing against other players is the fun part, there are less and less players each day, so it’s hard to get the game you want. Also some people including myself argue that Terran is much better than other races, so the game is not balanced.
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This is the sort of thing we're looking for. I'd like to see a bit more discussion in the gameplay sections. For example, what kinds of units there are, whether or not you need to use all unit types, how much control you have over units, that sort of thing. All in all, you did a good job.
-Gillian Smith (TA)
Thursday 17 January, 2008 by GillianSmith