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    jrunnoe's GameLog for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (PS2)

    Friday 18 January, 2008

    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 is a good solid game of progression with set rules and boundaries set in place by the designer. The goal of the game is to complete all of the goals and advance your character while unlocking levels. As you progress you learn new tricks and gain the ability to skate better. The game is challenging enough to provide many hours of fun.

    THPS 4 is a good social game. It is fun for a bunch of friends to play because there are lots of multi-player options and a fun atmosphere. It is also good for beating personal goals. The characters in the game are based on real skaters and the game comes with some of their skate videos. This adds a facet of realism that makes skating with the characters more enjoyable.
    The game provides a space for the character to work in. The levels are set environments with the same mediums for tricking off of. The character then gets to move about freely in the space and create their own combinations of tricks. This freedom is a very important part of the game because it imitates the best part of real skateboarding.
    Another fun aspect of the game is the ability to advance your character. As you progress through the game you are allowed to add points to balance, air, spin and other physical attributes. This allows you to improve your character as you go along adding something to work for which is always good in a game. Also you are able to unlock new tricks allowing you to score higher and create new combinations.
    On the whole it is a good game of progression with a lot of freedom for the player. It is challenging enough to be entertaining but is still possible to beat.


    You're on the right track. Try to write more about your initial impressions of the game in the gameplay section of your first entry. I don't see a second entry here, though.

    -Gillian Smith (TA)

    Monday 21 January, 2008 by GillianSmith
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