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    Kab II's GameLog for mario 64 (N64)

    Thursday 24 January, 2008

    ENTRY # 2


    After playing this game a bit further I began to remember why I originally liked it so much, (for reasons other then just "it's really fun") In older Mario games, the system platforms limited the gameplay and less player interaction could be achieved. I don't mean to insult these games in anyway, I love them just like everyone else who's played them. But Mario 64 was the first game in which you had a 3-D platform to play in, and those masters over at Nintendo took full advantage of what was possible to do.

    It's true that Mario 64 wasn't the first game to have this type of 3-D platform, but it definitely was the most innovative in using it for its time. (The game was released twelve years ago in 1996) I remember first playing it and being amazed at how versatile the gameplay was. Instead of a 2-D platform game in which you can only go left-right, up-down, you could go anywhere (well, seemingly anywhere). And what's more is that Mario's challenges enabled him to do various different tasks such as sliding down a mountain, being shot out of a cannon, and flying. All these features were executed in such a new way and people weren't used to playing Mario in this way. That's where I think the real success of the game took off. A new take on a classic character.


    I have been referring to Mario 64 as a 3-D platform game but in reality it is more of a combination of both 2-D and 3-D elements. The game is twelve years old mind you so obviously there are some graphic-wise limitations. The levels are 3-D and Mario is free to run/jump where he pleases. But many objects in the game are two dimensional. For example, the trees always face you because they are two dimensional. The same applies for certain enemies and other objects. Still, for its time and even in ours, it's a revolutionary game.

    What I like most about this game is the level design. You start out in the main area which is Princess Peach's castle. But within that castle there are paintings you must jump into which "portal" you into a level. On top of that, each level has separate challenges. This makes the levels much more fun to play in comparison to the levels of older Mario games because instead of completing one level and moving on to the next, you get to re-visit the level and find new ways to play it. It's a great design idea which gives the game a better replay value.

    This design has was so successful that all other pure Mario games have followed it. (Super Mario Sunshine of the Gamecube has a very similar level design as does Mario Galaxy. The latter being more innovative but still holds onto the basic level design idea) What else makes the level design great are the different features you can bring into the level. For example, in some levels there are goals which seem to be impossible to accomplish. However, as you progress in the game, you unlock different Mario hats which enable you with certain powers such as turning into metal, flying, and turning invisible. All of these hats can be used in certain levels which allow for even more innovative game play and fun.

    I suppose the reason Mario 64 is so highly acclaimed, commonly being ranked as the #1 game of all time, is for a combinations of factors that fortunately all fell into this game. Such as the new 3-D platform which many players weren't used to, the innovative level design which gives the game a great replay value, and the wide-raging yet simple control styles. Yeah, I'd say all these features are what made Super Mario 64...super.


    Very well done gamelog. Keep up the good work! Very insightful Design section.

    ~Sheena Marquez (TA)

    Wednesday 30 January, 2008 by SheenaMarquez
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