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    Mr.tadpole's GameLog for FIFA 08 (Wii)

    Thursday 24 January, 2008

    In Fifa 08 for the Xbox 360, players control a user selected professional soccer team from an almost completely comprehensive list. In the two player version of the game the obvious goal is to dominate your human opponent in a fair and reffed soccer game. Players are able to switch between all team mates controlled from a third person view, and more advanced players can manage team players and learn ball tricks by using analog combinations.

    Game play
    My friends and i have been playing Fifa 08 for several months now, and we are still yet to tire of the realistic game. The extremely detailed and accurate library of both teams and players in this game make player-character interactions extremely personable and most yelling is often directed at the team players as opposed to your human opponent.
    Emotional states usually run frantic during a game of Fifa. The extreme back and fourth action displayed in soccer games kept us cheering and crying. constantly. The smooth and relatively straight forward nature of the Fifa controls often allow players to put together amazing plays and shots, which constantly act as personal reward for me.
    My friend and I's game was very close as usual, which defiantly keeps your adrenaline pumping, but if your playing a newb you may be in for some monotonous shredding.

    Sesh 2

    Game Play
    In this second game of fifa 08 the game was a struggle of a battle, which ultimately resulted in Brazil's defeat Chelsea. In this game I was constantly on the edge of my seat because of the pressure on my goalie throughout the game. The game play is getting more complicated as I have started attempting to use more dribbling techniques, which add another layer of reality to this game.
    One thing I noticed while playing this game was that for bystanders there can be two kinds of reactions. Anybody who is into the fine sport of soccer is always right with you cheering as if the games were real. This defiantly induces good feeling and feeling of minor social interaction. But the other breed of person who is not very interested in soccer will be completely bored with everyones chants and songs.

    I believe Fifa 08 does a good job offering an exciting experience in a soccer stadium. Clearly the new Fifa has some innovative elements such as more complex dribbling abilities which opens up the soccer game fans to a new level of control and skill mostly unavailable in previous generations of soccer games. Furthermore, graphics have been improved slightly, and good AI make the game experience feel more realistic. This combination of realism and detailed ball control make goals and good plays a constantly rewarding system, and victories of course are the major reward for an player.
    Although a soccer game is limited to a small field, fifa does a fine job creating an energetic environment. Accurately cheering crowds and realistic broadcasting by announcers sets the mood for an important showdown every time. Furthermore, extremely accurate stadiums located from around the world make you fell like an international traveler every game.


    Good job in general on the game log but for future please seperate the two sessions into two separate sesssions in which you play one submit an entry play a second session and submit a second gamelog with the sessions divided the way you made them. Also more analisis would be good for future refrence. take this statement "Clearly the new Fifa has some innovative elements such as more complex dribbling abilities which opens up the soccer game fans to a new level of control and skill mostly unavailable in previous generations of soccer games" could easily be analised in many ways like why this is good or why it makes it hard for new people to get into the game. the sentence like a bunch of others are more description than analisis.

    Alon Chanukov(grader)

    Tuesday 29 January, 2008 by chanukov
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