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    canyonwren's GameLog for Super Mario World (SNES)

    Friday 25 January, 2008

    Super Mario World
    Summary: Mario and his friend Yoshi are in Dinosaur Land when they discover that Princess Toadstool is missing. They set out to find her, and face challenges along the way.

    First Gameplay:
    Super Mario World is my type of video game! I really enjoyed playing it, and got much more into the game then I thought I would. Older games are much more simplistic than modern games, which I tend to find too confusing to follow. I would probably call Super Mario World a “positive” game because the music is upbeat, and when you get something good, like gold coins or a feather, then you get a “congratulation sound”. Subconsciously I think that this is another way of making the player want to keep playing. I also like that the different levels are all set in different places, the sky, underwater, a castle, caves, etc, it keeps the game interesting and new.
    This isn’t a violent game, and it’s more about making your way through puzzles than fighting. Unlike Halo, the last game I played, you start out as Mario, and are immediately given your mission or task: to find Princess Toadstool. This gives your character a purpose, and thus inspires me to keep playing in order to reach my goal. I found this to be a very entertaining game.


    Good first entry, but try to make it longer and describe more of the game elements, music, level design, enemy types.

    Missing second entry.

    Wednesday 30 January, 2008 by TA-Nate
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