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    I3loodRaven's GameLog for Kirby's Adventure (NES)

    Friday 25 January, 2008

    Well, forget I ever said that this game isn't difficult. It wasn't in the beginning, but I'm actually having problems beating the first level of the third world, Butter Building. There is this one part half way through it where you are put in a boss-situation with this pincher bug looking thing, and I have no idea how to beat it. It keeps getting me in these impossible-to-escape holds and then crushing the living shit out of me. But besides that, I've been having a lot of fun with this game. There are actually a variety of different attacks you can execute, because Kirby can absorb the powers of the enemies he sucks in. Some of my favorites are the sword, the laser, and the spinning disk.

    I found it interesting that some of the levels are oriented vertically rather than horizontally. Although I guess that makes sense, since they usually take place in a tower of some sort. Every world has its own theme, and all the colors and backdrop artwork seem to match up well to make that world come alive. This game gives lots of freedom to the player, because you can move anywhere on the screen, and you can venture anywhere on the current map that you are playing. But of course since it's a platformer, there is a specific path that you ultimately must take in order to defeat the level.

    I think the overall structure of Kirby's Adventure is pretty strong, although it can get old pretty quickly when you find yourself traversing worlds that remind you of the last one. Basically all that changes is the scenery, but you are still confronted with the same enemies as before. The goal of each level is the same, the bosses have similar attacks, and there just isn't much to distinguish one world from another. I feel like the game needs another element to it to make it more appealing and not just a continuous spiral of deja vu.

    It is a very simple game, almost exactly like Mario only the mode of attack is different and the reward system is very limited. In Mario you can collect coins while you go through levels, but in Kirby's Adventure the only "reward" you recieve is getting to the end. I think more could've been done with that, because every game should give you some sort of satisfaction, but I can honestly say that I have never felt proud of myself for beating a level in this game. Its not a multiplayer game, so it doesn't have that competition factor, and so I think the game needs to have more to offer the player to keep them going. Although I can cut it some slack, since its one of those classic, back in the day games.


    Well written. You bring up what makes this game fun (unique game mechanic), and what could have been improved (a better reward structure).

    - David Seagal (Grader)

    Wednesday 30 January, 2008 by Lagaes Rex
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