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    vmarathe's GameLog for Mario Kart (Wii)

    Friday 25 January, 2008


    Mario Kart 64, is basically another racing game with characters from previous Mario games. The premise is to race in different cups, and get first place and beat all of the levels. The basic difference between this and other racers is the items that you can collect to slow down your teammates and win the race.


    Mario Kart is one of those games that you can play over and over again as long as you have other people to play with.

    The basic gameplay is to go through races and win using the items. There are many items you can use to disable your opponent such as red shells, green shells, the time clock, as well as some to help you go faster such as a boost or the invincibility.

    The game has three basic modes: single player, multiplayer, and battle mode.

    In my experience with the single player mode, the races get redundant and it is really easy to win races against the computers. The multi player, however, is basically the same game with the cup races, but now you are playing against humans who can think and use their items the same way you can. This is when the emotions of playing the game come out. People generally feel happier when they win against fellow friends rather than against a computer.

    The battle mode takes the item element of the game and removes the race. You basically have to defeat your opponents and get rid of their three lives to win. This mode in my opinion doesn't have the same lasting value as the racing, but is still fun for a while. This may be because there is not that much skill involved at all during the battles.

    Mario Kart 64 is a quick and fun multi player game that I truly enjoyed.


    good entry, this is what we're looking for.
    -Chelsea C.(grader)

    Thursday 14 February, 2008 by Dziva
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