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    aubcook's GameLog for Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    Friday 25 January, 2008


    The game has presented a few more types of gameplay, including a level where the player surfs on a stingray. I have also encountered new types of power-ups, from an increased health meter to Bee-Mario who can buzz around in short bursts. The second session of play has made me more hooked on this game.

    I really like the characters in SMG. Most of the characters I have seen in previous Mario games, like Toad and other talking Mushrooms (like Toad). SMG has upped the size of all the various characters wardrobes, and the result is Toad dressed as a mechanic, etc. The costumes really add to the gameplay; seeing the same Toad guy again and again can become repetitive, so the extra outfits are a welcome addition.

    I have unlocked around 5 galaxies total and fought maybe 2 bosses, and am having a great time doing all of this.


    From what I have seen, SMG has top notch game design. Of course, any Mario game gets a head start in game design as long as it follows the basic principals of the Mario platformer series, which has been a huge success. The outer space aspect of the game brings a very innovative and interesting spin on the Mario world, which gamers are beginning to know almost too well. I really like the planetesimals in the game, the design of the game Spore has this element and it caught my eye but has not been released; it is very fun to finally be able to play a game with planetsimals, especially when they have interesting physics: I can almost throw myself into orbit around a planetesimal when I long jump in areas!

    The music in SMG is also very good. I don't notice the music too much while playing, but when I do listen I realize that it fits the gameplay very well, so that music is mixed into my overall play experience and I don't regard it as an isolated aspect of the game, which is good. The soundtrack is classic Mario with a hint of space and wonder.

    Another aspect of SMG which I really enjoy is the level design. Each galaxy (level) is very unique and each presents an all new array of objects, enemies, and puzzle solving. The developers have come up with a huge number of ways to utilize the planetesimal style of levels; the levels are unique and varied even though each level has planetesimals. The racing levels and other non-platformer style levels are a pleasant change from the normal gameplay as well.

    The only problem I can point out so far in the game is perhaps some minor camera issues. Mario is moving around planetesimals very quickly and the camera can have a hard time following. The issue is very small and I haven't been frustrated by it at all.


    Great entry!
    -Chelsea C. (grader)

    Sunday 27 January, 2008 by Dziva
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