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    Albert's GameLog for Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    Saturday 26 January, 2008

    Second gamelog:
    This time I played the map where Mario is a bee climbing the wall. I thought it was really funny how they applied the bee aspect with Mario's oddly shaped body form, Mario is a fat bee that can only fly for a few seconds. He pretty much has all of Marios neutral maneuvers except for the double jump, instead he flies. Not only can he fly(or float) but he can fly on homeycomb walls. It pretty much acts like another gravity against a wall. The obsticals are a little bit different because when an enemy comes by you it is more challenging by the fact that Mario does not have his cat like reflex jumps, where he is stuck with his slow hover.
    After toying around with the bee power I went to Luigi's Mansion and used the Boo power up. I truely am not fond of this power up because it is a more stealth power up rather than an agressive attacking or super flying ability power up. Some of the special abilities for this boo is a really lame one like the other boo's cannot see you as Mario unless you come in contact with them and then you lose a life and turn into Marios natural body. Another ability similar to the bee ability is that he can do many short hops giving him the ability to pretty much float. Over all I cannot complain about how challenging this level is. There is a lot of thinking involved that it makes me forget about how boring this power up is and how fun the level is.
    The crazy insane level design is what makes this game such a great game. Almost every world that I enter in is huge and with crisp graphics. I enjoyed all of the vibarant colors that Nintendo uses. The platforms in this game is phonominal, because Mario can climb up that it feels as if the player is going up a mountain with traps and obsticles.The enemies also match with the environment such that boo is in a haunting and scary world as to dry bones being in a desert. There are so many environments that I do not even know where to start. It like traveling the world or even better, the universe.
    I also believe that Nintendo did a very good job with the challenges of this game. The game starts of at an easy pace where Mario starts to collect the star bits, knock off a few enemies and thats about it. When the game is near ending Mario is running away from numerous enemies while dodging a million traps. Then there is a boss fight at the end which each boss has their own unique spells and weaknesses that makes all the boss fights so fun!


    Nice Job, you can write more about the level design and physics --Chuck (grader)

    Saturday 26 January, 2008 by Joekickass
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