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    serates's GameLog for Goldeneye 007 (N64)

    Saturday 26 January, 2008


    gameplay a: gameplay when i originally played it

    I remember that when i first played goldeneye I was blown away by the graphics and the wider 3d areas. Before playing goldeneye the only first person shooters i had played were doom and wolfenstein 3d. Goldeneye the singleplayer was extremely repeatable to play especially once you unlocked the cheat menu. I admit I have always enjoyed playing games with cheats.

    gameplay b: gameplay now

    Picking up the controller and playing goldeneye 007 for the first time in years was a very enjoyable experience. I was able though to skip the gruelling process of manually unlocking the cheat menu since I used an emulator with a built in cheat function (shhhhhhh!). This also unlocked a mode I did not know about before. 007 level difficulty which allows you to change the health, damage, accuracy rate, and response time of the enemies. This feature i found to be hilarious especially when you max out everything. It made the game almost an entirely new game. The main aspect I like about Goldeneye is its replayability. Its simple in a good way that it allows you to always come back and play it just as good as you did years ago. I also found out that you can lean in the game which i didn't know before!


    NOTE: below design analysis is based upon the time period it was released. If I were to judge it based on today's game standards the design of the game would be drastically not up to standard.

    Innovative elements of the game at its time

    I remember when i first played it and also looking back in history now that i have played it again. I'd definitely say that the leaning was innovative as not very many first person shooters during its time had that feature. Also the manual aiming feature also was a huge step for first person shooters on consoles.

    Level Design

    The level design in the singleplayer mode is pretty close to the appearance of the locations in the movie which for games that are based off a movie is very important in my opinion. I also liked how the levels were designed that you know exactly where your supposed to go, however, you can also explore little extra areas such as gun towers and underground facilities.

    Social Interaction

    Goldeneye really was a ground breaker for social games when it was released. Goldeneye's multiplayer feature really brought people together to play. I remember almost weekly hanging out with friends just to play and compete in goldeneye. The party appeal of goldeneye, in my opinion, is really what makes Goldeneye 007 one of the best games of all time. It brought many people together in healthy competition and even disputes were sometimes solved using the game. Goldeneye really is one of the original games that has paved the way for games like halo, gears of war, and other first person shooters with multiplayer communities.


    Great job! I really like this gamelog, and agree with you on all the points you make.

    I too was blown away by this game (I'm a huge fan of the Bond movies too, so that helped) when I first played, and still enjoy playing it today.

    -Gillian (TA)

    Sunday 27 January, 2008 by GillianSmith
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