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    Linky's GameLog for Final Fantasy XII (PS2)

    Saturday 26 January, 2008


    This time around, I was able to get more into the game itself. I was released into the first mob area, and got a better look at the combat system. The plot stayed compelling and interesting, and surprisingly was one of the biggest motivating factors for me. The game picked up a lighter feel, as I killed cacti and went on a quest to kill a "rogue tomato." However, it keeps its darker feel throughout. We meet some new characters, all as well developed as the characters introduced earlier. I got to see more of the combat system, and the "Licenses" system, which allows players to choose what they can and can't do.

    The game continued to be fun, and it was very interesting managing the real-time elements with the RPG elements. I thought the tutorial was a bit long and it was a little tedious to run long distances before being able to fight, but once I reached areas were I was able to use the combat system I was extremely impressed. I also thought there were too few save points, but this may change as the game goes on.


    The design is what makes FFXII one of, if not the best game in the Final Fantasy series. The voice acting is superb, the graphics are incredible, and the story is extremely well narrated. I found myself much more drawn into this game because it seemed very polished, and the plot was compelling. The cutscenes are frequent, and I found myself actually watching them instead of skipping them, as I usually do. Visually, the cutscenes look almost real, amazingly well made for Playstation 2. They also serve to advance the plot and keep the story interesting. The combat system is also extremely original, and I was surprised when I tried it. I have seen real time RPG's such as Kingdom Hearts, and turn-based games such as the previous Final Fantasy games, but none like FFXII. FFXII employs a combination, with swing timers and cast timers, and real time movement, but freezes when you open the combat table to select an attack, item, or spell. Unlike many other RPGs, most battles in Final Fantasy are completely voluntary, and instead of randomly encountering the fights, you "aggro" them when you're close, and depending on your level you have an "aggro range" very similar to many MMORPGs.

    The main city, Rabanastre, is beautifully made down to the very last detail, and has an "attitude." The game is expansive, and uses the space very well. As huge as the world is, every area is carefully made, and packed with things to do. The only complaints I have is that it took too long to run "errands" back and forth between rooms in cities. I also found the mini-map cumbersome and difficult to use, and had to use the full map many times. I personally love the reward structures used in RPGs, and usually take the first area or level and use it to my advantage, leveling past the "normal" requirement and keeping myself well geared and leveled and ahead of the curve. I tend to use strategy guides (simply to find chests, hidden rewards, etc) to make sure I don't miss anything. For example, the best weapon in the game is only obtainable if you do NOT open 4 specific chests throughout the world. Overall FFXII was probably my favorite in the whole series, and while I haven't played much of it yet, I plan to finish the game, something I can't say about most of the RPGs I play.


    Very well done gamelog. Keep up the good work!
    ~Sheena Marquez (TA)

    Wednesday 30 January, 2008 by SheenaMarquez
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