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    lifeasjames's GameLog for Final Fantasy XII (PS2)

    Saturday 26 January, 2008

    Gamelog 2

    So the game has become increasingly tedious, as my characters never seem to be strong enough. I die all the time. I play fine through the main “dungeon,” yet when I reach the boss my characters are completely overwhelmed. I have to go back and level up, which takes forever for me to grow even one level. I then trudge back to the boss, where I proceed to die, yet again. It is really frustrating.

    The redeeming quality is most definitely the license board. I love the ability to be able to choose whatever my characters do, ultimately having super characters that have every power up. The bad thing is getting a new weapon, then realizing that I am no where near that item on the license board. Another thing that has opened up is the world. I thought the world was huge before. I had no idea. The levels and enemies become more grandiose as the game goes on. One are that stands out particularly are the mines. They are dark and expansive, with an amazing boss battle at the end.

    So far, although this game is beautiful and huge, I just cannot see myself finishing it. I do not think I have the game stamina to keep it up. It is too slow, my characters never seem to get stronger, and after a few hours I just do not see myself being able to go at the pace that I have been going at.

    Although the game is slow, its design is simply amazing. The actual battle system, when on the advanced version, is ridiculous. It moves very fast paced and decisions have to be made on a dime. The actual level design is beautiful, intricate and detailed. This game is more impressive than any Playstation 2 game I have ever seen. There seems to be a bar that is set with this version of Final Fantasy in every aspect, from battle to character interaction to level design.

    The story is told beautifully as well. The characters all have a personality, even if the lead is the weakest of the bunch. All have ulterior motives, yet still strive for a similar cause. The cutscenes are placed well, and are spectacular for the engine they are running on. The story, although basic at the beginning, becomes deep and interweaving as you go along.

    Although I cannot finish this game due to the time it takes to finish it, it is definitely something to admire and behold.


    Good this is exactly what we are looking for. Keep in mind the different design aspects that go into the game, try to look at more aspects of the game, music and more into level design.

    Wednesday 30 January, 2008 by TA-Nate
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