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    bchang953's GameLog for Goldeneye 007 (N64)

    Saturday 26 January, 2008


    After writing my first review on Goldeneye, we started it back up again, and it proved to be just as fun as before. For this bout we broke out a bag of Tostitos chips and some soda pop while playing. The map we played on appeared to be inside of a pyramid and was a little larger and darker with many rooms. However, everyone was able to orient themselves quickly. The pace of the game was fast, and definitely kept our attention.

    The gameplay itself is not complicated. 1) Spawn, 2) find better weapons in the map, 3) kill whoever you see, and 4) reload--repeat steps 3-4 until killed, then go back to step 1). Though the maps were nothing special, and the graphics sub-par to today's standards, the game was just as fun as any multiplayer FPS game I've played recently, especially on one hit kill mode, where things got very intense.


    The multiplayer is where the game truly shined for me. The split screen deathmatch style gameply was intensive, but not all consuming. The levels are designed cleverly in that they are interesting with multiple floors and angles to get on opponents, and are small enough so that there is constant action, without frezied chaos. With some console FPS games there isn't this space and time and the games end up being too intense to allow players to be social and have actual FUN. This way the game did not becoming mentally tiring too quickly, allowing for games to go on and on. Goldeneye strikes that perfect balance between the stress of trying to virtually obliterate your friend and the fun of being social while playing.

    In Goldeneye there are not many uncontrollable variables in Goldeneye with simple maps and predictable weapons. One nice feature is the slight auto-aim of the weapons, along with an option to aim manually. This is a good feature which makes killing more fun because aiming manually each time would definitely prove to be irritating with the Goldeneye aiming system. As it turns out, though the auto-aim helps, the outcome more often than not is the ability of the player. Thus, players feel a large amount of pride and desire to prove their "mettle" against the others, and so beating or losing against other players either causes a great amount of satisfaction, or a desire to face them again in hopes of attaining it. The beauty of the game really lies in the social interactions of the players while playing Goldeneye, and this game does a truly wonderful job of facilitating that.

    (I apologize for the lateness, my entries kept getting deleted by the website whenever I tried to add them in using internet explorer and wouldn't let me add anything at all :[... until I figured out to use Firefox instead)


    I understand about the lateness, but please get the entry in on time next time or I will have to mark you down. Great entry though!
    -Chelsea C. (Grader)

    Sunday 27 January, 2008 by Dziva
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