Wednesday 6 February, 2008
Mass Effect is an expansive role-playing game akin to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (and sequel). The player controls Commander Shepard, and can dictate Shepard's personality via an initial set of descriptors and dialogue throughout the game. Shepard gains allies and progresses through levels in a 3rd person shooter style play with the ability to use skills outside of standard shooter parameters, dubbed Biotics. Mass Effect hinges on its flexible storyline, and play is determined by the choices players make as they progress.
My first experience with Mass Effect was very enjoyable. Immediately after starting, I noticed the parallels between it and Knights of the Old Republic, but can’t complain since I really enjoyed that game when it was released. The combat is simple enough to not be frustrating while challenging enough to stay interesting, a hard combination in role playing games.
I am not sure that I can classify this experience as a Shooter or an RPG, it acts as a fusion of the two really. While the combat from my style has been mostly shooting, the story elements and customization of characters alongside the leveling system with XP add too many RPG elements for me to say that it is simply a shooter with some RPG twists. Really, Mass Effect looks like a combination of my two favorite kinds of games, and I am really looking forward to playing more of it.
The story also looks incredibly complex based on my first session with the game. I can already tell that it will be a long game, and anticipate several interesting twists along the way. Because I am familiar with the function of these kinds of games, I have been carefully making my decisions to craft the experience I want out of it, but am definitely already looking forward to going back and seeing where making different choices will take me. After only an hours of Mass Effect, I am hooked and ready for more.