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    SkyKing's GameLog for Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (PSP)

    Saturday 9 February, 2008


    Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is a story-driven RPG by Square Enix that was remade for the PlayStation Portable. In this game the player takes the role of Lenneth, a goddess who hears the pain of humans near death and guides the souls of the dead. The game implements a turn-based battle system with individual characters mapped to different buttons.


    A few weeks back I played the RPG The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and though it shares the genre title, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is on the opposite side of the spectrum. While Oblivion threw right into the game with no story, I am one hour into Lenneth and have only fought one battle. This game is very heavily story based. The only times I had control of the characters were when I had to walk from one cutscene location to another cutscene location.

    That being said, the animations, CGI, and overall art is amazing. I sat in awe, enthralled by the beauty of this world presented to me, as the intro progressed. The voice acting is a little slow paced but helps match voices to the incredible character artwork. The stories of the characters themselves are very interesting but I'm positive there is much, much more I will learn. I have not found a character that I can connect with yet ( the swordsman is a bit to pugnacious and the girl too whiny and arrogant) but as Lenneth leads more to the land of the dead, my party shall grow and my favored character shall be discovered.

    Thankfully the story is interesting for I have been exposed to almost no gameplay. With a boring story, I would have turned this game off long ago. The Norse mythology with Japanese culture mix is interesting for a setting but may grow forced in time. The visit to the Japanese restaurant was funny, a main character screamed for the manager at her raw sashimi, but I'd rather see inclusion through samurai party members and weapons.

    As I have finally reached a save point, I assume some battle is to follow. I can't wait for this because the battle system seems very interesting so far.


    good entry, this is what we're looking for.
    -Chelsea C.(grader)

    Thursday 14 February, 2008 by Dziva
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