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    Peter Dalldorf's GameLog for Xenogears (PS)

    Saturday 9 February, 2008

    After playing the game more, I have greatly enjoyed the complexity of the battle system and become more frustrated by the occasional jumping puzzle. The jumping puzzles are usually simple enough to complete, simply posing as a faux-challenge, however I have come across several which were extremely easy to fail at, with hard to see gaps between platforms and occasionally (the camera is usually controlled by the player) badly implemented camera angles.

    I have also become completely immersed in the story. I am much further along than I had ever gotten before, yet am still on the first disc. I'm now extremely curious to see how Citan will figure into the story (as he continues to appear in small cutscenes with seemingly god-like characters in alternate dimensions and characters (including enemies) who mention him by another name. In addition to this, more and more other nations (several of whom live in the sky) keep appearing on the scene.

    Xenogears has several distinct design features which differentiate it from the myriad of other RPGs released around the same time. The in game animation of characters is almost two dimensional. Depending on which way the camera is, the character is represented two dimensionally according to it. The environments are entirely three dimensional lending an interesting feel to moving around.

    The cutscene sequences are entirely hand-drawn anime (which is not exactly a design element) however I feel it works well with the feel of the game presented by the 2D characters in a 3D environment.

    The other design element which makes it very interesting is the way the battle system is implemented with its system of skill points and combos. Other than these design elements, the others are fairly normal, however, they are well done which makes the game completely well rounded and makes up for the occasionally frustrating jump puzzles.

    Great game, absolutely worth the time to play!


    Note: You don't have a gamelog #2 visible on this site. You can probably still submit it (with a game from the classics list) for 50% credit.

    Excellent gamelog. A little more depth in the design section (in particular, speculation of the reasons behind design decisions) would be the only way to improve it.

    - Ian Rickard (your TA/Grader this week)

    Thursday 14 February, 2008 by inio
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