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    yolster07's GameLog for Mortal Combat: Deception (PS2)

    Saturday 9 February, 2008

    Gamelog entry #2:
    The second time playing this game was harder on my part, but easier for my friend because he already knew what moves I was going to do with the certain character I picked. Nevertheless it was still fun to play the game because the competition between my friend and I was still there. This second time playing, I got to see more of the characters to test out each of their moves. Having done so made me like the game more because at first I stuck only to the girls but this time around I varied my characters more, and because of this I was able to test what characters were better than others.
    What was interesting about this game this time around was the different settings that the characters were put in. Also, I really didn’t like when one characters used their special move over and over and the other player could do nothing about it. This was a benefit when I was the one doing that but it wasn’t fun when it was being done to me. Because both me and my friend kept using our special move to disable the other person to do anything, the game got really irritating and pointless.

    This game, to me, was a lot like Street Fighter but the graphics were better done in this one. I liked the sound tracks that this game had. My favorite part of the sounds was the voice that said “so and so wins”. Another thing that was also interesting of this game was the settings where the two players are located. My favorite one was on the top of some type of mountain where the players could easily be thrown off the cliff and loose, at the bottom of the cliff there were also spikes where the players landed on and made their deaths so much cooler.
    In this game I didn’t see many different levels, the game was just played by rounds. Instead of levels I just saw challenges depending on the characters that were played with or against. After a while, the game can get boring because there are no levels and no difficulties, other than your opponent. Not being able to pick your setting has something to do with this as well because some settings are more challenging than others.


    It was a good entry and is going in the right direction, but you really need to concentrate on what makes you like the certain aspects of the game, try to concentrate on the why.

    Thursday 14 February, 2008 by TA-Nate
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