Monday 11 February, 2008
game log 2 pirates of the burning seas
now that i am past all the tutorials and have entered a world a pirate captain I now travel the open seas doing things that pirates do. the game has three different level types open seas, ports and forts and on ships. all thee ports have similar layouts with different styled builds and layouts depending on who owns the ports or who has the most power in the port.
some design elements that make this game good is the feeling of space. the game has the feeling like the maps go on forever.The towns are so big and detailed that the player feels like hees/shes in the game.
some design elemts that make this game bad are the repetitiveness of the missions kill x amount of ships take x ports ect... the fighting anamation is kinda dull with numbers showing how much damage the player takes. this makes for slower battles.
The game stays intresting because there is so much do to all the time you don't feel like you are repeating yourself over and over but you really are. the PVP battles in the game are different than any other game, this is because you can have massive ship battles between players.