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    Araad's GameLog for Goldeneye 007 (N64)

    Tuesday 19 February, 2008


    The multiplayer mode allows you to experience a fantastic time with a few friends. The abundance of levels, characters, weapons, scenario’s, and game modes (ex. one shot one kill) makes the game have exciting surprises. Sometimes, we would dual it out it in long distance battles while other times it would just be face on face encounter. If we were only playing with remote mines, planning a successful attack was difficult. I noticed that everyone was having a good time. All of us were competing to 25 kills, which we usually played. At the end of every match it would give rankings like “Best Marksmanship” and “Most Dishonorable”.

    In multiplayer there were several different characters. All of them are famous characters played in James Bond Movies. They have characters ranging from different heights and speeds. Jaws is enormously tall while Oddjob is ridiculously short. It seemed like Jaws’ pistol was aimed directly at the average characters head. Oddjob however was short and hard to aim at. The further in the match you got the bloodier the characters close got. This added to the chaos this came had become at times.


    I found that there were a decent amount of levels for multiplayer. One level in particular bothered me. The level is called Stack. I happened to be playing with a very experienced player. In Stack, the level is fairly small and apparently spawn points reoccur in the same order. My friend knew where I would re-spawn and could get their quickly enough killing me without having a fighting chance. Of course he received “Most Dishonorable” every time.

    The challenges in the game kept me extremely interested. There can be a lot of objectives with guidelines. On the first mission I killed a man in a white coat. Turns out that’s an innocent scientist and I failed the mission. Things like this make you extra careful in the game. Other times for instance I need to enter a door, but the door needed a card. I searched and searched and finally found it over a dead guards body, I just never picked it up. These occurrences make the game more challenging and interesting to play.


    Interesting points, although they could use more elaboration.

    - David Seagal (Grader)

    Wednesday 5 March, 2008 by Lagaes Rex
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