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    luckybug's GameLog for Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    Wednesday 20 February, 2008

    Summary: Super Mario Galaxy is by far one of the most enjoyable games. The colorful galaxies make the game a delightful fantasy. Mario is the main player who tries to rescue the princess from the evil Bowser. The storyline of Mario has not obviously changed. It was interesting to explore the galaxies and planets. In order to move from galaxy to galaxy, the power stars were the sources of energy that needed to be caught regularly.

    Gameplay: I was not expecting this when I began to play the game. The game starts at a festival where Bowser invades and takes the princess's castle with her in it. Mario starts off in the middle of space ready to begin the journey. The Wii remote took awhile to get used to, but overtime it became really fun. The variety of color and the overwhelming planetoids made the game so much more than what it was. The traveling through planetoids was basically reaching the objective for each level. The gravity on some of the planetoids was a little confusing sometimes. Collecting stars were my favorite thing because they were so sparkly and so addicting. The amount of stars from old levels began to open up new levels that definitely got more complex.
    In one of the levels, I had to surf which was a little difficult, but once I got the hang of it, it was fun. It was difficult not to enjoy the game. The top-notch graphics and the sparkly noises really made the game so much more addicting.


    I've graded this based on the paper copy you turned in to Prof. Whitehead. Nice work!

    -Gillian (TA)

    Friday 7 March, 2008 by GillianSmith
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