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    Significant's GameLog for Goldeneye 007 (N64)

    Wednesday 20 February, 2008


    After playing a bit of the solo mission I played the multiplayer with a couple of friends. I think the multiplayer is extremely fun especially with friends because you basically get to interact with a total of four players running around on different maps shooting each other. The fun comes from competition and flaunting your skills in the game.

    I thought the flow of the game was smooth. Before each mission there was a briefing about what was going on in the story along with mission objectives. During the levels it was pretty much straightforward killing enemies, but I found that some missions required a little bit more, for example in the second mission, you had to acquire a key card from a guard to get access into a control room, and from there you would be able to open a locked door. Also, after each mission there was a small cinematic showing what had happened after the completion of each mission, which I thought helped the game progress smoothly.


    I thought the game's artificial intelligence was very good. For example, enemies who know you're behind a door won't always rush in to get slaughtered, but instead wait inside for you to enter before they attack. Also the design of the enemies was very realistic. Although the graphics aren’t up to par with many modern games, the design was very good for its time. There would be different ways that enemies died depending on where you shot them, for example if you shot an enemy in the head from afar, he would flip over and die instantly which I thought was very cool, and brought a lot of realism to the game.

    The music used in the game came off the soundtrack used for the film which also helped reinforce the realistic theme between the movie and the game. The signature 007 sound was used often and so as I played I felt as if I was actually 007 completing different spy missions. Also the sound effects to guns and explosions are varying and realistic sounding which I thought added a lot of quality to the gameplay.

    The level design in the game is very intricate and has a lot of depth. It ranges from straight shooting, to search-and-destroy levels that require more strategy, and information gathering levels. Each level is distinct and poses multiple challenges given the mission objectives. I especially liked the second level where you were rushed by a ton of soldiers in a room that was being gassed.


    This is fine, keep it up. The first entry is a bit shorter than we'd like, but the second is fine. Good job.

    Amy Leek (grader)

    Thursday 28 February, 2008 by MarsDragon
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