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    Daizengar's GameLog for Super Smash Brothers (N64)

    Thursday 21 February, 2008


    As of this session, I have now beaten the game in single player twice. I can see where this game can get boring and repeatitive fast. Thankfully, there is multiplayer. Multiplayer is where this game truly shines. WIth a fairly forgiving learning curve compared to some other similar games, and more causual style really make this game great for multiplayer.

    Something really does have to be said about the sheer siliness of it. It gives the game a much more casual feel, unlike other games that try to present themselves as serious business. I really do feel that this campyness and siliness is one of the points that has made SSB such a great seller across many audiances. Nintendo did a very good job with the feel of the game.


    Ha Ha! That SSB! It puts in justy enough fighting game elements to allmost make someone forget that it is a platformer. Which it is. It has platmors which you jump on and use to attack, a fairly 2d cardnality with jumping, and occasional upgrades. The difference is that it is a competitive platformer rather than a cooperative one. The competative nature of the game makes it feel enough like a fighting game (but hey, who in a co-op platformer has never tried to jump on another player to see what happens) to make it different.

    I also have to hand it to them on level design. Each level has its own unique design and feel to match the game the character it showcases is from. Samus has a very metroid-y level with acid water and everything.


    Good points are made, but it's too brief. More elaboration is needed. Also, there are some typos throughout, so proofreading is a good idea.

    - David Seagal (Grader)

    Tuesday 4 March, 2008 by Lagaes Rex
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