Thursday 21 February, 2008
Gamelog Entry #2
I think that there are many pathways to go, but there is actually only one right direction to go to in the end. I managed to find one of the caves where there was a fairy who restored my lives/hearts. I was yet again faced with the challenge of trying not to get attacked by the monsters, especially the underwater ones. This time, there were so many monsters coming to me from different directions at the same time. Some of them shot arrows too, which seemed unfair because it wasn’t as though I could run fast.
I entered one of the caves where, when I hit defeated the monsters inside it, I was able to obtain a key to one of the doors. I enjoyed the fact that although there were two doors within the cave, there was only one main door. This helped me to know that I was actually progressing in the game, and that I was going the right way too. This was the fun part: experiencing a change of scenery with the castle-looking cave. The monsters in the cave were not as hard to defeat; there were a lot too. I got a map that showed me where I was, and the red dot on the map was my target/destination. The map was what I was waiting for since I started playing the game.
I was hoping that the features of this game could have been more like “Kirby’s Adventure” or “Super Mario Bros”. Although the colors used in these two games were basic, it did have variety in the sense that I was able to tell where I was going, and I was able to identify the different objects. I think that this game would have been much better if the life wasn’t so limited. I’m not sure if I would gain more hearts/life as the game progressed, but it definitely not fun to have to die so fast when I was so close to beating a level. Also, I would time the monsters at a speed that was not so fast. I would have had the monsters gradually attack me instead of having many monsters all come to me at once.
One of the challenges that the game provides is having the player choose/figure out which direction to choose from. There were different elements to the game: the life potion, rupees, heart, fairy, clock, sword, boomerang, key, map, and Triforce. One of the reasons why I continued playing the game was because I finally found the cave that led me to other destinations. This is a 2D game that did not have one pathway like “Super Mario Bros”. However, when you play the game, you’ll end up at just one “right” pathway. The aspect of having there be rupees instead of points stood out to me. For me, it would have helped if there was a map for me to use in the beginning, instead of later. Of course I would still explore other places, but I wanted to know if I was even progressing in the game. I wouldn’t mind continuing with this game, if only the game would actually work the second time I tried playing it on the NES!