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    PlanetSmasherN9's GameLog for Goldeneye 007 (N64)

    Thursday 21 February, 2008


    In Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64, you play as James Bond. This game is a first person shooter based off of the movie with the same name. You go from level to level completing the objectives given to you. It's a pretty standard first person shooter.


    The story for the game is presented to the player at the beginning of each level in a folder as if it were a briefing for an actual mission James Bond would go on. Rare effectively used the weaknesses of the Nintendo 64 here, because not having a video saves space and actually helps you feel like James Bond in this instance. The story is pretty good, as it is mostly the same as the James Bond movie.

    Since Goldeneye is a really old game, I thought it was going to be close to unplayable. First person shooters of today have really spoiled people because they control a whole lot better than FPSes of the past. The controls aren't great, but they work really well and I can easily see how it revolutionized FPS gaming on home consoles. There is no straffing, and you just move your character with the analog stick. There is an auto-aim so you can just run and gun, but you can also stop, press R, and aim by yourself for a more precise shot. It seems archaic to toady's standards, but it isn't terrible.

    Another thing that suprised me was how it was able to suck me in. After just a few minutes of playing, I was really addicted. The game has excellent flow. Enemies are at the right spots and the levels just seem to be put together in a logical way.


    Very good effort! I like your game analysis. Very thoughtful/descriptive. Keep up the good work!

    - Theodore R (Grader)

    Tuesday 4 March, 2008 by DragoTJ
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