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    yami265's GameLog for Wii Sports (Wii)

    Thursday 21 February, 2008

    After playing it with my other two friends on the Wii sports, I enjoyed a bit more than I did when I was playing alone. At first I didn’t like to play tennis by myself but after competing with my other two friends with great shouts and jokes it end up being really fun. Even though I lost some of the game and won a little but the more people to play the game the more fun.

    There was still no story to be found for the game. The game was very interesting when I was playing with two other people because of their input on the game and their reaction to certain situation during the game. One of my friend, who was a first time player for the game though it was effortless to learn the controls because it was mostly due to movement and knowing when to swing. It felt like it was a real tennis game we were playing expects it was in door and the good thing is we don’t have to run for the ball or get hit by it.

    Wii sport kept the player interested by showing that when the game is play in a group it helps get the mood up and the excitement or the anger of each player during a lost or a win. In the Wii game system, you can make your own character to look just like you. This is a very good design because it’ll seem like you are actually in the game not just using the controller to swing. There were no rewards in the Wii sport but just gain more points and put the player above other players.

    The game required a lot of interaction when the player is playing the game with other player because in tennis if there are more than two players, one of the team would have to communicate to see who would hit the ball. It would be just like real tennis when playing in doubles, one person in front and the other one in back. There wasn’t much challenge in this game besides knowing when to swing the controller to be able to hit the ball or how hard you should hit the ball.


    This is great, good job! The boxing really is fun.
    -Chelsea C.(grader)

    Tuesday 4 March, 2008 by Dziva
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