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    kungfutoday's GameLog for Goldeneye 007 (N64)

    Thursday 21 February, 2008

    Gameplay 2
    Coming back to the game, I still can't control the character very well and I thinks it's just me. I can't play newer games with similar controls either. Now that I have been playing for a little while I kinda have a better feel for the different levels although sometimes I can't figure out how to figure out where to go. I think the game really stays on topic with the Bond movies which are usually full of some pretty ridiculous stunts and guns. I am really liking the characters and I am starting to figure out that different characters have different attributes that make the character better suited for one action over another. The problem is the more I play, not only do I get a little more comfortable with the game and its controls, but so do my friends, and they were definitely pretty good when the game first came out and are now much better than me. This kind of ruins the flow of the game for me because everytime I try to get on some kind of role I get killed...sometimes embarrassingly like with the karate chop, or something dumb like that.

    Goldeneye is one of the first first person shooter games that I can remember, and definitely the first one that I had ever played. I think it influenced a lot of games that are extremely popular today like the Halo series. I see many similarities in the two games, not only in the actual play, but everything from multiple weapons, multiple players, and also the following of games that it has. I remember when goldeneye was popular it was as big as Halo is now (but everything is bigger when you are younger). I still think that the levels are a bit confusing, and the fact that the controls are so touchy doesn't help the movement of the character through the halls. The were many times when I started to get a bit dizzy because I couldn't correct my position in the room. The conflict of the game is simple, and because it is based on movies, it is a pretty well known conflict- kill the other guy, and do it as much as you can. Overall it was fun to play again, but it's nice to see the advancement in graphics.


    Well done gamelog! Keep up the good work!

    ~Sheena Marquez (TA)

    Tuesday 4 March, 2008 by SheenaMarquez
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