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    Kab II's GameLog for NFL Blitz (N64)

    Wednesday 5 March, 2008

    ENTRY #2


    Although I have always remembered NFL Blitz fondly, I have to admit that it’s really only fun as a multiplayer game. I really don’t enjoy playing video games for too long or very frequently, so playing NFL Blitz in its one player mode is somewhat boring to me. However the multiplayer mode is a different story. Some games are just better played with others and NFL Blitz in my opinion is definitely one of those games.

    A good feature to NFL Blitz is the set up to multiplayer. You and someone else are able to play against each other or on the same team against either a computer or other people. This means that you can even play with three people, which is a feature I haven’t seen displayed on other football games. Although now that I think about it, I’m sure NFL Blitz isn’t the only game to have this feature. The game also allows you to use cheats such as infinite turbo running, big heads, playing in the rain or on other types of fields, etc… My suggestion, don’t play with cheats that alter the game. NFL Blitz to me is the type of game that’s funner without the cheats. I’d normally elaborate more on the game at this point but I don’t want to get into the design aspect of it in this section of the entry. And that’s somewhat of a problem because not much more can be said about NFL Blitz at this point. That’s the downside to football games of this nature, they’re all somewhat “singular” in their description.


    What I like so much about NFL Blitz is the unique and beneficially simple game design. In some cases, I think game designers add to much complexity to their games and when it comes to football based video games, I think the designers behind NFL Blitz are the only ones who got it right. The game moves quickly and smoothly unlike other football games with add to much realism such as long quarters, flags being called, and complicated plays. NFL Blitz moves quickly and in an intelligent way, simplifies key game features. Most specifically, the controls of the game. Instead of having to learn complex controls and playing strategies, players of NFL Blitz can perform operations such as running, jumping, passing, and catching with ease. Other games design these aspects with more complicated controls and often require more precise and careful executions, which is a feature I find tedious and restricting when it comes to football games.

    For example, the controls in NFL Blitz are more simple and thus it is easier to control more of the game with less attention to picky details. You can change your player easily and passing to computer players is simple. Once you are the quarterback and the ball is in play, all you must do is hit “A” until the passer you want is selected, which shouldn’t take more then a second if you hit “A” fast, and then it will pass to that player. You then take control of that selected player and catching the ball only depends on whether or not you get tackled before completion or not. In other games the catching feature is much more complex and difficult to complete which is a major set back for me.


    Good entry. Exactly what we're looking for!
    -Chelsea C.(grader)

    Tuesday 11 March, 2008 by Dziva
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