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    yami265's GameLog for The Sims 2 (PC)

    Wednesday 5 March, 2008

    Entry 2
    After playing the Sims 2 for another hour or more, I found the game really interesting because of how much I can accomplish in an hour times and how real time really past by so fast. It’s really neat how I can play god in this unrealistic world that I have created. I was really fascinated by how my future would be like if I did choose a certain job career or if I married a certain character. I have always wondered what my kids would look like in the future.

    Even though the character is unrealistic but it’s the closest thing a person can play to see a realistic view of the future. I have accomplished a few goals in this game, I have gotten a decent job and got promoted and my house and salaries have greatly improved. The good thing about the Sims 2 on PC is that I can get more decorations for the house or anything in general online. This can create a more realistic house I would like in the future. Even though the game story is pretty boring because there really isn’t much change to the story line unless the player tries to do something really outrageous.

    The kind of challenge this game created would be the relationship points to earn from friends and how the points would decreased if the character does not keep in contact. The game’s challenge is what makes the game realistic due to getting the job and the educations. Also keeping the sim character happy when the player does what the character wants in their aspiration box. The aspiration is a important design in the game because not only does the player have to fulfill the aspiration but keep up with it. The aspiration changes very often. The more points the player gets from the aspiration, the player can buy rewards that helps the sims character live longer etc. The game also have a monthly bill which means, not only does the character need to have enough money to buy the nice things, but also enough money to pay for the bill and not get into debt.

    There aren’t many difficult levels in this game. The levels in this game are probably the process of the character’s life. The promotion and balance of family time and social time neatly. I was happy with the game reward because it’s nice to get bonus and extra money. This just makes me want to buy nicer or better things for my character. This makes me wanting to get more promotions and become a millionaire if I can. I wouldn’t change anything about this game because I think it’s great the way it is now. I just can’t wait till the Sims 3 comes out. I wonder how much more realistic can the game creator make The Sims.


    An interesting entry, but it doesn't go into much depth, especially in the design section.

    - David Seagal (Grader)

    Monday 10 March, 2008 by Lagaes Rex
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