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    Denn's GameLog for Civilization III (PC)

    Wednesday 5 March, 2008



    I think that Civilization III is one of the most realistic empire building simulation games out there on the market. The strongest selling point of this game is that it allows players to rewrite history to their desires. For example, I played as Japan in which I had set all the AI civilizations as the countries that made up the allies. The game turned out into a World War II simulation in which I was allied with Germany against everyone else. After defeating all other civilizations, I built the UN and was voted as the Chairman (since only I and my ally were still alive). For me at least, being able to rewrite history as I desire is a major reason that makes this game fun to play.

    I would also like to comment on the game’s storyline. Generally, there is no background story at all. There are no specific missions to complete, and there are no campaigns that tell a specific story or anything along those lines. However I would disagree with the fact that the game doesn’t tell a story. All the gameplay is recorded- everything from the completion of world wonders, capture of cities, significant battles, as well as the beginning and ending of golden ages. After the player “wins” the game, the player is able to view a histograph of all the civilizations in comparison with each other, which shows visually the changes in power/culture/score over time as the player defeats other civilizations and builds new wonders. Thus I regard the timeline of my civilization as a story in a sense. So the history of the world your civilization is in could be seen as a form of emergent narrative.


    I think that one of the strongest design points of this game was that it allowed for a wide array of interactions between the player and the game (usually AIs). The player can have negotiations with the AI directly, such as signing political agreements, inking trade deals, or exchanging gifts (or demanding them). Then the player can use the ingame units to indirectly interact with the AI. For example, if the player places many units on the border, this will usually make the other AI have a mood of being “cautious” towards the player. This tactic also deters any potential warmongering AI. The AI also makes decisions on it’s information that it knows about the player- for instance the AI will make decisions based on the player’s past interactions with other AIs, technology level, and military strength.

    Another good point about Civilization III is that there are multiple ways to win the game. For example, the player can go along the traditional conquest route by conquering every other civilization. Or the player can choose to engage the game in a more non-violent way by being diplomatic with the AIs and forming good relations, eventually being voted as the head of the UN. The player can also engage in cultural conquest by building up a high culture and assimilating other civilizations. Another interesting way to win is to win a space race by being the first civilization to build a spaceship. In addition, the player is also able to set a few ingame goals of their own, such as trying to win the game without conflict. Overall I like the way of how the player is allowed multiple ways of winning which means that there are multiple ways of playing the game.


    Nice Work -Trevor Prater(grader)

    Saturday 15 March, 2008 by Tdprater
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