mdoyle's GameLog for Super Smash Brothers Melee (GC)
Thursday 6 March, 2008
The complex design of Super Smash Brother Melee has a lot to do with not just the amazing gameplay but also the complicated level design. The levels in Super Smash Brothers Melee move around and act in their own way as their own characters in the game. The levels make staying alive just as challenging as fighting the enemies themselves. Each level is specific to a certain character in the Nintendo Universe. This creates a more complex fictional background for more entertaining gameplay.
The characters in Super Smash Brothers are so numerous and cover such a wide range of gaming eras which allows the game to appeal to almost everyone who has ever played a Nintendo game. In this way nostalgia is created which hooks gamers to commit to certain character and trying and master that fighting style. My personal favorite is Pikachu because I was always a fan of the tv show so I know first hand how addicting playing with the same character can be.
The multi-player gameplay of Super Smash Brother Melee for the Nintendo Game Cube console is some of the best multi-player I have ever played. The amazing thing about the muti-player of Super Smash Brother Melee is that it never gets old. There are endless situations and scenarios which occur when you are playing in the multi-player realm. For this reason Super Smash Brothers is one of the best replay games of all time. I still play with my friends everyday. The fun thing about the game is the personal conflict it creates.
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Great -Chuck(grader)
Tuesday 11 March, 2008 by Joekickass
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