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    mp3ksc's GameLog for Legend of Dragoon (PS)

    Thursday 6 March, 2008


    After a bit more gameplay, I've taken notice to the Rewards system in this game.
    The experience system is very similar to most Role Playing Games. YOu defeat
    a monster and then you gain an appropriate number of experience points and
    once you gain enough, you gain another level and your numbers increase. There
    are more innovative parts of the rewards system that I find nicer. Dragoon
    skills are gained when spirit points are earned. You get a certain amount of
    spirit points per attack and once you've earned enough, a new skill is learned.
    There is also the Addition level up system. The idea is to do a move 99 times
    to unlock the next move and then repeat until you've learned them all.

    The music is very nice in my opinion. Nice but standard. I can't get over how
    average this game is when you ignore the battle system. The soundtrack is
    appropriate at all times and does the job well done. I find myself putting
    some of the tunes in my ipod at the risk of getting mocked by my peers.

    The level design is done very nicely. The towns look very busy and vast while
    the dungeons have many winding paths that lead to treasures and traps. It's
    also visually appealing considering it is a ps1 game.


    The only thing unique about this game is the battle system. By allowing the
    player to be more active during normally mundane battles, the player is forced
    to be more engaged in the game and actually concentrate. It really is the main
    appeal to this game that makes it stand out from the crowd of cookie cutter
    role playing games that come out every year.

    The rewards system is also related to the battle system and makes a normally
    bland thing a little bit more interesting. By forcing the player to learn new
    moves through mastery of the prerequisite move, the player is being rewarded
    to actively take part in battles and use the unique battle system. These two
    complement each other very well and probably would not be very well done if
    they were created individually for two different games.

    There is also the Dragoon Transformation aspect which I like to think of as
    the Super Hero Transformation mode. It allows the player to be alot stronger
    and makes you think every character is awesome at fighting when they can just
    transform. I don't think I've played any other role playing game with something
    like this before so I'm going to say that this is the first of its kind and is
    therefore innovative.


    good game log

    -Nicolas Kent (grader)

    Monday 10 March, 2008 by Jade
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