Thursday 6 March, 2008
Second Game Play
My second time playing Guitar Hero III made me realize how easy it really is, and I was able to immerse myself in the game and really fully enjoy it. I was able to move up and play the songs that I liked more than the easy ones. Half the fun of Guitar Hero is that the music is really good, and it’s enjoyable to go through the different songs. GH provides an effect incentive to do well by providing the option of unlocking songs the better you do.
As I got getter I was able to use star power, which gave me even more points. I was also able to gain more points when I felt good enough to use my whammy bar. And while I felt silly doing it, it if I stood while playing and jerked my guitar up I got even more points. Guitar Hero was very smart to make a game that forced you to more around in order to do better, because it really makes the player feel like they are a part of the game.
Game Design
Guitar Hero was a very creative and I assume very wealthy invention. The backgrounds are interesting enough to make for a good game, but they are not flashy enough to distract the player from hitting the right notes. The characters are diverse enough to attract any kind of player, and there is no special interest needed to play Guitar Hero because it is all about music. Guitar Hero appeals to both the sexes and I felt like I was playing a game that was meant for me.
The reward system is just the right amount of incentive to make the player want to continue playing and to do their very best. Not only do you receive more songs and better venues by doing better, but also you get to feel better about yourself when the crowd cheers you on, and positive newspaper articles are written about you. I felt good about myself after I played, because I felt like I had succeeded rather than felt frustrated after a shooting game like Halo. The hopes of becoming a bigger “star” keeps players playing, and will probably keep players playing for many years to come.