Monday 21 July, 2008
Picked this up on e-bay and then realized that aside from two or three games (Bionic Commando, Street Fighter, and some other one), I wasn't familiar AT ALL with any of the other games on the list. I'm not a fan of Street Fighter, so it looked like this collection was slim-pickings indeed.
However, I've been playing a few of the games and my initial (negative) impression has changed. Not only are some of the unknown (to me) games in this collection rather fun, but they are also interesting to me for historical reasons. I think.
I've assumed (need to check) that the games on the collection are mostly arcade games and, as such, were probably innovators in terms of game design. (those that were sucessful probably went on to see console version). So, many of these games have small elements that seem fresh even now. Others are clearly "experimental" (or have "experimental" ideas) that didn't really go anywhere. I've been having fun trying to pick these out...
(Games in this collection are: Side Arms, 1941, Legendary Wings, Forgotton World, Black Tiger, Strider, Final Fight, Bionic Commando, 3 Wonders, Avengers, Block Block, Captain Commando, Last Duel, Mega Twins, Varth, Magic Sword, Street Fighter (SF1), Section Z, Quiz and Dragons, and The Speed Rumbler.)