Saturday 4 October, 2008
As a first time GTA player, I feel that San Andreas lives up to the hype of being a stereotypical, excessively violent, morally corrupt video game. However I feel like as I continue to play there will be more of a reason to these stereotypes.
When the game first started I thought that the main character was opposed to being back in San Andreas and was only there to see his mothers grave and return to the East Coast, where he was clean and staying out of trouble. However, unexplainably, once the missions start he returns to his old ways.
I think that this shows a classic case of community relativism. When the main character is back into his old community the no one cares where he has been and how well he may have lived his life, he is immediately expected to live up to the person he used to be. The cops judge his actions before he even gets to his mothers and label him this black sheep. The character then forgets where he has been and follows suit into his old gang related ways.
Like I said before, this was the first half hour that I ever played a GTA game and I am looking forward to continue my analysis. I am hoping there is more of an excuse to the main characters immediate return to his old ways and reasons behind all the stereotypes and violence.