Sunday 5 October, 2008
First off, I've never played a game version on the PC. It took forever to download and load until I could finally play it. It was annoyed playing for the first 30-minutes because the booklet didn't give any key usuages to move in the game. The only things I knew how to do was walk,run, get on a bike, steal cars by throwing people out of their cars and I get busted by the cops and I got busted by the cops approx. three times. I lost all my money going to jail. It was extremely frustrating trying to figure out the key ususages for the game.After getting locked up so many times and not knowing how to manuevur myself in the game that I just stop playing.However, it was crazy to steal a car and throw the character out of the car like nothing.So far, that's what blew my mind away.