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    smannheim's GameLog for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC)

    Saturday 17 January, 2009

    Despite the fact that I am already completely addicted to the game, I am not in love with it. The negative stereotypes are still really baffling to me, and I just can't understand why the game developers felt it was necessary to include in the game.
    I completed a mission today where I had to beat up rival gang members for bringing crack onto the streets. It is a good enough cause, I suppose, except that after the mission is completed, my gang member buddy starts talking about how it was a victory for our gang. Not because we got crack off of the streets, but because we were successful at beating cracked up gang members. In the car ride home, he talks about how he's going to enjoy this victorious moment while it lasts. At the start of the next mission, it is obvious that he is too drunk or high off of something to even drive. What a great message this game is sending to children: killing crack dealers is a good thing, and the best way to celebrate is to get high! YEAH!
    I'm not in love.
    Excuse me now, while I go play for another two hours.


    "The negative stereotypes are still really baffling to me, and I just can't understand why the game developers felt it was necessary to include in the game."

    Why do you think a film-maker chooses to make a movie like "Boyz N the Hood"? In what ways is it similar? In what ways is it different?

    Thursday 5 February, 2009 by jp
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