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    Dominic's GameLog for Fifa 09 (360)

    Tuesday 27 January, 2009

    Purchased: November 10th 08
    Reason for purchase: Enjoyed sports game when i was young thought i would try it again.
    My personal opinion on this game is that its average. Its your normal sports game which is obviuosly very repative and boring. The graphics are very good with the gameplay being ok, the biggest problem is that the players are very sluggish and slow. Something which has improved is that EA have looked up at more specific players and given them there own unique skills and running techniques.If you take Christiano Ronaldo the way he runs is very different to everyone else. Hes a lot quicker and has more agility which enables him to move directions quicker. His stance when he is going to take a free kick is also different to everyone else. I sore signs of this in Fifa 06 but theve touched on it in deaper depth with the latest Fifa's. the graphics are exceptionally good and the amount of leagues there are is also good. The online play is ok when playing with your friends but when you play against other ppl it can become frustrating for some reasons. Overall the game includes some cool features but they are very much the same as ever other Football game. if you havnt played many football games its worth a look.


    Why can online play be frustrating?

    Tuesday 27 January, 2009 by jp
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