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    SteveCad123's GameLog for Super Columbine Massacre RPG (PC)

    Thursday 19 February, 2009

    After reading the title of the game I knew before I started playing that there were some important moral dilemmas that were evident. I had never played the game before, let alone knew it existed. This suprised me becasue in the wake of this very real tragedy it seems that there would have been a louder outcry of dissatisfaction that this game was produced and, I assume, turned a profit.

    From a gameplay standpoint I knew going into the game that I would have some biases about what was to come. It was uncomfortable knowing the mission of the game and the what you needed to do to succeed. The set-up before the actual mission shows the two characters as they discuss their plans to get to the school and commit their crimes. It is alomst chilling, and the narrative strongly emphasizes the killers motives and their excitement level. I did not really enjoy the game and for the first half an hour I played it was confusing and lacked proper direction. I accomplised very little becasue I had no idea what I was supposed to do. The narrative explained the mission well but there was no instruction on where to go or what to do. I was stopped maybe 12 times by students on my way to the cafeteria and the security cameras caught me another 6 times. The graphics made the cameras tough to make out so I inadvertantly ran into them a few times before I knew what they were. I found myself getting very annoyed with the students as well becasue they continued to get in my way and seemed to go out of their way to confront me. I was suprised to find myself actually getting angry at these students knowing what was about to happen to them. After I was able to fianally navagate my way past the students and cameras I made it to the cafeteria where I was suppose to plant the bombs. This is where I needed further instruction. I must have walked in circles pressing "enter" on the keyborad for 15 minutes with no success. This is where my frustration level esclated and I eventually gave up. I am not a big video game player mainly for this reason. The game was awful at telling me what to do and I gave up. I searched around for the proper place to put the bombs but i never could find it. I'll try again and hopefully can advance further in the game.


    "I was suprised to find myself actually getting angry at these students knowing what was about to happen to them."

    I wonder if that was Ledonne's original intention or if it was simply "bad game design".

    Wednesday 25 February, 2009 by jp
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