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    kamendex's GameLog for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC)

    Monday 27 July, 2009

    This is my third and final entry for San Andreas, the PC version. I started this game off in my brand new home which I had purchased legitimately as a fire fighter. I went outside my home and noticed that a police helicopter was hovering over me. I had done nothing wrong, thats racial profiling. After the helicopter incident, my neighbor drove up his expensive looking sedan on his drive way and left it there. I don't think he will mind if I take it for a joy ride. Cruising around for a little while, I decided I wanted money for weapons to defend myself in the first mission. I hijacked a police car and began the vigilante life style. My first mission was difficult, I had to stop a speeding individual in Idle wood with only a police car. I rammed his car until it flipped over, destroying the car and the passenger. I made a 50 dollar profit. On the third mission, I ran into some interesting individuals. Three men, shirtless, with glasses and green shorts. They were armed and dangerous, and it was my job to take them out. I rammed their car into an unmovable area and proceeded to remove them from the vehicle. I ran them over to kill them because one of the criminals had an Uzi. With the three dead I was left with two weapons. A baseball bat, and my first gun.

    Ive noticed that the premise of this game is really to live the life of someone who has no regard for the rules of the social contract. It is very pleasing to break the rules even if the rules in this case are just in a video game. Being a vigilante was dangerous and rarely profitable, the only bonus was that I could pick up weapons. I was killed in my third mission by a gang of Hispanic men. I found myself at the nearest hospital. I hijacked the ambulance that was parked near me so that I could play as a paramedic. The paramedic game play is much different then vigilante. I am rewarded for save driving. If I don't drive safely, the wounded I am transporting could die. TO this day, the most profitable endeavor I have participated in is firefighting.


    I always found the paramedic missions really hard. The hardest part was not killing anyone as you rush to pick up someone who's wounded. I think you're right about the rules thing. The GTA series is very much about "set your own rules" in that you can choose to do whatever you want according to whatever restrictions you want.

    Wednesday 29 July, 2009 by jp
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