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    TradaPIB's GameLog for Sid Meier's Civilization for DOS (PC)

    Sunday 16 April, 2006

    Okay, so I'm finishing off a King level game I've been playing for about 12 hours or so. There was 7 civs but the Russians wiped out two early in the game. I used a 10+ catapult army to rid the world of the Greeks (hey, they were on my continent!) then started the long Russian campaign. It took around 2000 game years and 8 reallife hours of carefully manuvering my vet. catapults on the Russian continent but eventually I took the last Russian city. Then I built up a even more mightly catapult army and a fleet to sail them to the French island. 7 sail boats set off with 3 catapults each (some had 2 catapults and 1 phalanx). The French had tough costal cities but once I got a foot-hold I soon owned that island. Now it's just me and the Indians.

    I'm mustering up my forces and soon will launch an invasion like this world has never seen. I've already got just under 40 vetran catapults under my command and I'll build around 20 to 30 more before landing on Indian soil. It will be tough.. they have large cities with many soldiers. But with my near infinite resources I'm going to step up to the challenge. Wish me luck :)


    That happens now and then but I've been unable to pinpoint it when (more like "why") exactly. Sigh.

    Anyways, welcome to GameLog!

    A quick pair of questions...

    1) Why are you playing the DOS version of this game? (given that the 4th sequel just appeared on the shelves). I'm just curious.... I played Civ a while back and really loved the first one and couldn't get in to the 2nd.

    2) Would you like me to create a "platform category" for DOS games? (I'd call it something like PC-DOS...)

    Monday 17 April, 2006 by jp

    Okay, that's cool. Post it twice, :)

    Sunday 16 April, 2006 by TradaPIB

    Thanks for the warm welcome :) I hope to stay and display my civ skills here (if I have any :P ).

    Ahh, yup. This is Civilization 1. I'm the same, can't get into the 2nd or any of the others.. though I'm yet to try civ4. I'm actually quite new to the game (playing for about 3 years) as I was only 4 when it came out o_0

    And yeah, if you could create a seperate platform thingy that would be cool. I gather this site is relatively new?

    Thanks again :)

    Monday 8 May, 2006 by TradaPIB
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