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    dramir16's GameLog for Super Columbine Massaacre (Web)

    Tuesday 23 February, 2010

    Dear Diary,
    I cannot play this game for another moment. I know this is not real and technically at this point I’m killing zombies, which is a norm for most games, but I genuinely dislike Super Columbine Massacre as a whole. I found no point in making this game in the first place because there was no actual moral in the game. I didn’t want to kill anybody, but because of this game is related to a tragic story, the only way to progress was to kill teenagers. This game also uses a lot of foul language which disturbed me and made me feel uncomfortable at times. For this reason I deiced to stop playing after completing the first half of the game.
    I also disagree with this game because I feel Ledonne, although maybe not intentionally, wanted to make a sad situation into a game where people can almost make fun at the story instead of feeling sympathetic. I can only imagine the pain the victim’s parents felt when they saw the PC game in their local store. Don’t these parents deserve respect and time to grieve for their loved ones? In my opinion, I will never play this game again because I felt like I disrespected the innocent victim’s and family members. This game reminded me of the airport game we played in class. There was no actual point in the game, but there was humor intended for example, the way our security is governed and how people lack to take their job seriously. In the same vein, this game does not have any positive outcomes and is a slap in the face to the community of Denver who witnessed the happening first hand.


    "There was no actual point in the game, but there was humor intended for example,"

    Isn't THAT the point, then?

    Tuesday 2 March, 2010 by jp
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