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    Kat's GameLog for Columbine RPG (PC)

    Sunday 1 August, 2010

    Something I was thinking about while playing the game for the second time was the representation of the shooters. I believe the pictures used for the characters are actual pictures of the shooters. As the artist statement said, the game uses an introspective perspective. There’s a lot of dialogue in the game that expresses views and opinions of the characters. The game creator has made a likeness to the real shooters, emphasized by using their pictures. I believe most of the dialogue is the words of the shooters, collected by the game creator. It is an ethical issue to represent the viewpoints of real people without their consent. Is it ethical to do this in order for the artistically express one’s own views? The dialogue is in the words of the shooters, but they had to be taken out of context for the game’s purposes. When taken out of context, they can lose the original meaning the shooters instilled in them. Instead, they are chosen and reinterpreted by the creator to make his own point. I believe it is unethical to do this because it changes the meaning of the words, yet still represents them as the true viewpoints of the shooters. The creator may unintentionally misrepresent them.


    "It is an ethical issue to represent the viewpoints of real people without their consent."

    In some cases, most definitely. Do you think this is one of those cases?

    Monday 9 August, 2010 by jp
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