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    mkhursh1's GameLog for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    Friday 24 September, 2010

    (Day 2) What I really like about this game is the Realism. The game might not be morally accepted or liked but the way the game is so real really helps the player want to keep playing. Sometimes it is an extreme but it helps put the excitement in the game. The game is inspired by real life like the opening of the game is like being introduced what should be Compton. Which is considered a really rough harsh area where allot of gang related activities are portrayed. The game is very believable (pause-able) in many aspects in how real life situations have taken place. Certain missions and scenes of the game are real life situations but with different names and timing such as the rioting. The realism in the game such as cars to the music mode to the hookers on the streets help fall into this category of realism. The game is made in a way where it shows you a real city with a different name and portrays real life events that happen in todays society like mob activities, shootings, corrupt cops, females on the street, drug association, loyalty, and the most important MONEY. Also the act of realism is like how a human being takes time to build there body and get stronger. Well so does CJ in the beginning from where he starts off as nothing and skinny and not strong and completes basic missions to gain access to the gym where he can lift and build a stronger body to fulfill harder missions.


    Do you like the realism in the game or the fact that it doesn't include sci-fi or fantasy elements? So, is it the "real-world" setting that draws you in?

    Wednesday 29 September, 2010 by jp
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