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    Jenifer's GameLog for The Sims 2 (PS2)

    Wednesday 11 October, 2006

    So... I'm not a gamer, but I began playing Sims today and it was so much fun. I enjoyed playing this game because you get to make the character look and act like you. I probably spent thirty minutes changing my avatars clothes and trying to make her look just like me. That was about the only think I was good at doing. I'm still horrible at moving anything around with a joy stick so my character always walked around kind of stupid. Playing in the story mode was helpful. It gave me tips every second on what I was suppose to be doing. If it didn't tell me that I needed to take a shower, I would probably get bored because I had no motivation to do anything else. I tried to walk around the neighborhood but my character couldn't go very far. Taking a shower and jumping on the trampoline was about as far as I got in collecting points. When I went to socialize with another girl, I accidentally slapped her with a fish. How that happened, I'm not sure! That pretty much ruined my friendship with her. I didn't really like the way the guy in my house looked so I didn't bother socializing with him. Then my dog tripped on the power cord to my PS2 and I lost the game. So then I started over and spent another thirty minutes playing with the clothes and way my avatar looked. I liked seeing what different random avatar would come up. I didn't spend so much time on the looks of my character this time because I wanted to explore the environment a little more. However, I still didn't really know what to do. I tried to leave the place and get on the bus, but it never came I didn't have enough points. I'm really bad at video games so it would probably take me a very long time to be able to acheive anything substantial. So I did what I already knew how to do: I took a shower and jumped on the trampoline. I have to say, I liked jumping on the trampoline. My controller creates a vibration that kind of makes it feel like you are really on a trampoline. This time when I talked to the girl "Felicity" I didn't slap her in the face with a fish. I actually made her my friend, but then I left. She kept dancing so I thought she was kind of weird. So I decided to go ahead and talk to the guy in the house, but I didn't want to leave the girl out. I'm not sure how to talk to two people at once yet. I spent a little longer then I thought I would playing the game today, so I decided to call it quits. Tomorrow's another day!


    It sounds like your having fun, and don't worry about not being "good at games". It always takes a little while to learn anything new. What's good is that you were able to have fun the first time around! :-)

    Thursday 12 October, 2006 by jp
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