Thursday 12 October, 2006
The game is starting to become very addicting. It is almost impossible to stop after doing just one mission because it usually leads straight into the next mission, and you dont want to stop and go save.
I have noticed that if i kill a memeber of one of the other mob families, the people on the street like me. I walked up to a lady after beating some one up in the alley and she thanked me. Also the people from that family get really mad. It seems that right away everyone knows that I did it and they are out to get me. It is very hard to drive around and not get shot at after one of these missions.
The plot is very good and seems to go very well with the movie so far. I enjoy playing it since I have not watched the movie in awhile. The characters in the game are rendered very well. The look and act just like the actors in the movie. I am enjoying my game playing experience very much.