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    sus3j's GameLog for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    Tuesday 26 July, 2011

    My First impression of the game was that it was extremely racist and violent. The game exploits standing stereotypes that exist of the African-American community. The protagonist of the game, Carl Johnson, is compensated for his acts of violence, which range from beating a prostitute, to shooting a gangster. While I was playing I came to the same conclusion that the class came to last week, Cultural Relativism is not an acceptable framework of ethics. There are certain actions that regardless of ones culture, are still unacceptable from a broader perspective.

    The creators/producers of the game should be held to a certain standard of ethics, since we live in a society where to put it simple, some people are just too stupid. The access to this type of games should be more regulated, as it can influence some kids or teenagers to have negative stereotypes towards other cultures. On top of that, it also desensitizes younger players towards certain types of violence.


    "The access to this type of games should be more regulated, as it can influence some kids or teenagers to have negative stereotypes towards other cultures"

    I agree that it's important that games that aren't for kids, aren't played by kids. Ultimately, it comes down to the responsibility of the parents, no? I guess also, as there are more games that aren't for kids, people won't necessarily assume that any videogame is "kid-friendly".

    "The creators/producers of the game should be held to a certain standard of ethics"

    I agree! What do you think that standard should be?

    Monday 1 August, 2011 by jp
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