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    FunkCracker's GameLog for Pikmin (GC)

    Friday 24 October, 2003

    Well, this is about the 3rd (4th?) day of Pikmin for me. It's a terribly cute game, and loads of fun. I haven't really felt like it's a "strategy" game yet. It's more of a puzzle game. Perhaps now that I have all three colors of Pikmin (just got my blue ones!), I will start running into more interesting puzzles.

    I kind of go back and forth on the whole time limit thing. It is a cool way to push you forward and keep you from just harvesting mad amounts of Pikmin. Even so, if I don't collect at least one part in a day, I'll play the level over (and much efficiently now that I know what to do).

    I have instituted a "No Pikmin left behind" program. Basically, I don't mind if Pikmin die in battle, but I cannot leave any behind! I also care if a lot die because I do something stupid like run 60 red ones into the water on accident. Today I killed 26 blues just trying to get the part out of that damn clam shell on the first stage. I probably should've bombed it with a yellow one or two, but oh well. I can grow more.

    I think the Exceptional Bolt has been my favorite part so far. Those guys at Nintendo are clever.


    Hahaha! That is awesome. No Pikmin left behind! Yay for the Pikmin Army Marine Ranger Commando Navy Force Squad!

    Semper Pikmin!

    Sunday 26 October, 2003 by jp
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