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    EvaChief's GameLog for Fable (XBX)

    Friday 13 October, 2006

    I’ve played the beginning of this game like 20 times, so it’s not too much new to me. Every time I say I’m going to do something different with the way that I play, which means being evil instead of good, but at least for the first few “quests” I can never do it. I think that punching kids in the face is too awesome to pass up, so at least the first 4 things will be “good”.

    At the guild in the beginning it’s pretty run of the mill. You spend a good deal of time getting a handle on the attacking and targeting and doing a few miscellaneous quests such as a race and collecting some apples for someone to make an apple pie.

    I have a few logical problems with the game. The first is that you come into the Hero’s Guild at around age 12 I would guess, and after “years of training and study” you get to use your first sword when you’re around age 18? It doesn’t make any sense. He has to explain blocking and such to you at that age? It would make more sense if it happened at 12, and your test to receive hero-hood happened at around 18 instead of the beginning of your adulthood. A hero studying and training for 6 or so years ago about fighting should know how to use a sword.


    Great point! It's particularly interesting because it's totally inconsistent with how the game is presented! (evolve your character, the passage of time is important, you can age..etc.)

    Tuesday 24 October, 2006 by jp
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